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Warrant of Fitness (WoF)

A warrant of fitness (WoF) is a regular check to ensure that your vehicle meets required safety standards.

As a driver, it is your job to keep your vehicle up to WoF condition at all times. For example, while tyres on your vehicle may pass on the day of your warrant inspection, you’ll need to replace them as soon as the tread gets to the minimum depth. If you wait until the next inspection before replacing them, you increase your risk of having a crash, not being covered by insurance or receiving a fine.

How Often is a WoF Required

Vehicles first registered anywhere in the world on or after 1 Janurary 2000 will need annual WoF Inspections for their lifetime. If they are registered before this date, they require 6 monthly WoF Inspections.

For new vehicles, after an initial inspection, another WoF Inspection wont be required until the 3rd anniversary of their first registration.

It's Illegal to Drive a Vehicle:

  • If it doesn't meet WoF requirements.

  • If it doesn't display a valid WoF label.

You can drive your vehicle on the road under these circumstances only when taking it somewhere for repair or to get a new WoF AND providing it’s safe to do so.

What a WoF Inspection Covers:

The WoF inspection is a general safety check. The aspects checked are set out in our Vehicle inspection requirements manual (VIRM) and include:

  • Tyre condition (including tread depth)

  • Brake operation

  • Structural condition (rust is not allowed in certain areas)

  • lights

  • Glazing (is your windscreen safe?)

  • Windscreen washers and wipers

  • Doors (do they open and close safely?)

  • safety belts (must not be damaged or overly faded; buckles must work properly)

  • airbags (if fitted)

  • Speedometer (must be working)

  • Steering and suspension (must be safe and secure)

  • exhaust (there must be no leaks and the exhaust must not be smoky or louder than the original exhaust system)

  • Fuel system (there must be no leaks).

  • If you’ve modified your car, motorcycle, van or other light vehicle you may need a low volume vehicle certificate.

What a Warrant is Not:

A WoF is not a pre-purchase inspection. It doesn’t include many areas of a vehicle's condition. For example it doesn't check:

  • Engine, clutch, gearbox and differential condition

  • Lubricant levels and condition

  • Brake pad thickness or life expectancy, unless they are visibly below safe limits

  • Paint work condition and some rust in non-structural areas.

When your Vehicle Fails its WoF Inspection:

If your vehicle fails a WOF inspection you cannot drive it on the road unless you’re taking it somewhere to get it repaired or get a new WoF – and it’s safe to do so. Your vehicle also may not be covered by your insurance if it doesn't have a current WOF or is not up to WOF standard (e.g. tyres are below legal tread depth).

If a vehicle fails a WoF inspection, there is no fee for any subsequent inspection as long as it is done:

  • within 28 days of the first inspection where the vehicle failed, and

  • at the same inspecting organisation

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